Monday, 14 March 2016

Ultimate Battle of the Bands - Decade brackets (DEADLINE: Friday March 18th 5pm EST)

Once again borrowing a page from the NCAA College Basketball 'March Madness' tournament, I have created an Ultimate Battle of Bands (classic rock, punk/new wave, soul, funk/R&B, metal, reggae, synth, grunge, rap etc.) ranked bracket of 64 artists/bands grouped into four 'Decades' categories.

Simply send a Comment  (enter Name only in Name/URL 'Select profile' drop-down option) to this post with your selections, ie A) 1, 8, 5, 4, 6, 3, 7, 2  B) etc...

Note: Artist/Band has been placed in Decade of most significant musical impact (for those straddling more than one decade).

The winners for each round will be announced after each DEADLINE and Winners posted the following day.  Then the voting continues..... until ONE Champion Artist/Band is Selected by Popular Vote.

Good Luck and keep the Votes coming in!

A) 1960s

B) 1970s
1. Beatles
A Winner 1 vs. 16
1. Pink Floyd
16. Otis Redding

B Winner 1 vs. 16
16. Aerosmith
8. Doors
A Winner 8 vs. 9
8. Talking Head
9. Kinks

B Winner 8 vs. 9
9. Queen
5. Who
A Winner 5 vs. 12
5. Neil Young
12. Johnny Cash

B Winner 5 vs. 12
12. Black Sabbath
4. Velvet Underground
A Winner 4 vs. 13
4. Clash
13. Zombies

B Winner 4 vs. 13
13. AC/DC
6. Beach Boys
A Winner 6 vs. 11
6. Bruce Springsteen
11. Simon & Garfunkel

B Winner 6 vs. 11
11. Fleetwood Mac
3. Rolling Stones
A Winner 3 vs. 14
3. David Bowie
14. Byrds

B Winner 3 vs. 14
14. Bob Marley
7. Jimi Hendrix
A Winner 7 vs. 10
7. Joy Division
10. Frank Zappa

B Winner 7 vs. 10
10. Van Morrison
2. Bob Dylan
A Winner 2 vs. 15
2. Led Zeppelin
15. Sly & Family Stone

B Winner 2 vs. 15
15. Kraftwerk
D) 1990s +

C) 1980s

1. Radiohead
D Winner 1 vs. 16
1. Pixies
16. Daft Punk

C Winner 1 vs. 16
16. Madonna
8. Artic Monkeys
D Winner 8 vs. 9
8. Prince
9. Kanye West

C Winner 8 vs. 9
9. Depeche Mode
5. Pearl Jam
D Winner 5 vs. 12
5. Metallica
12. Weezer

C Winner 5 vs. 12
12. Dire Straits
4. Oasis
D Winner 4 vs. 13
4. REM
13. Guns & Roses

C Winner 4 vs. 13
13. Police
6. Smashing Pumpkins
D Winner 6 vs. 11
6. Cure
11. Red Hot Chili Peppers

C Winner 6 vs. 11
11. Iron Maiden
3. Nirvana
D Winner 3 vs. 14
3. U2
14. Green Day

C Winner 3 vs. 14
14. New Order
7. Coldplay
D Winner 7 vs. 10
7. Michael Jackson
10. White Stripes

C Winner 7 vs. 10
10. Beastie Boys
2. Arcade Fire
D Winner 2 vs. 15
2. Smiths
15. Blur

C Winner 2 vs. 15
15. Van Halen


  1. A) 1960s: 1, 8, 5, 4, 11, 3, 7, 15 (beach boys or S&G....I choose death)
    B) 1970s : 16, 9, 12, 13, 6, 14, 10, 2 (Bowie vs. Marley....shit!
    C) 1980s: 1, 8, 5, 13, 11, 3, 10, 15 (how the hell are the Pixies and Smiths # 1 & 2?)
    D) 1990+: 1, 8, 12, 13, 11, 3m 10, 2 (tough 5,12 & 6,11 matchups, just like NCAA)

  2. Santino Bellisario15 March 2016 at 21:12

    A (1960s) 1, 8, 12, 4, 6, 3, 10 (avant-garde and jazz pioneer), 2
    B (1970s) 1, 8, 5, 4, 11 (Check out the Fleetwood Mac covers young bands record today), 3, 10, 2
    C (1980s) 16 (Hate to admit it), 9, 12, 13, 6, 3, 7, 2
    D (1990s) 1, 9 (and the musical genius everyone loves to hate. Lou Reed has called his work “majestic and inspiring”), 5, 4, 6, 3, 7, 2

    1. Captain Kirk, your selections are rubbish!

    2. Paul Tancredi

      Here you go:

      A (1960'S) 1,9,5,4,11,3,7,2
      B (1970'S) 1,9,5,13,6,3,10,2
      C (1980'S) 16,8,12,4,6,3,7,15
      D (1990'S) 1,8,5,13,6,14,7,2

  3. Here are my selections…a lot tougher than I thought!!!!
    A (1960s) 1, 8, 5, 4, 11, 3, 7, 2
    B (1970s) 1, 9, 5, 13, 6, 3, 10, 2
    C (1980s) 1, 9, 5, 13, 6, 3, 7, 2
    D (1990s) 1, 8, 5, 13, 6, 3, 10, 2

  4. A) 60's 1,8,5,4,6,3,7,2 (Beach Boys and S&G...kind of puked in my mouth when I saw this)
    B) 16,8,5,4,6,3,7,2 (actually puked in my garbage can when I saw Pink Floyd...the most overrated band of all time. Nobody and I will comment like I have before. When you are alone in the car and hear a pink Floyd song on the radio I know you do NOT turn it turn the dial.)
    C) 1,8,5,4,6,14,10,2 (Madonna? Metallica, Dire Straights? The 80's were full of crap. Thank God there was punk.)
    D) 1,8,5,13,11,14,10,2 (Kayne West...puked again, then shit my pants)

    1. Brendan Cummins17 March 2016 at 21:14

      Your right Chris, that Pink Floyd is not a band that you listen to one song on the radio, but they made some of the truly great albums. You don't jam out the 'Another Brick in the Wall' you chill to for two hours to the whole 'The Wall' album. "Wrong! Do it again!"

    2. Brenden...The only thing I want to do after listening to Pink Floyd for two hours is figure out how I ended up in HELL. I believe there are millions of people out there that "think" they are suppose to like Pink Floyd because Rolling Stone magazine or some music critic told them if they didn't they knew nothing. At times I think narcotics were invented just to get through a Pink Floyd album.

  5. A)1,8,12,13,6,3,7,2
    B) 16,9,5,13,6,14,10,2
    C) 16,8,5,13,6,3,7,15
    D) 1,8,5,4,11,3,7,2

  6. Fred Rubino
    A-1960s) 1,8,5,4,11,3,10,2
    B-1970s) 1,9,5,4,11,3,10,2
    C-1980s) 1,9,12,13,6,14,7,15
    D-1990s) 1,9,5,4,11,14,7,2

  7. Brendan Cummins17 March 2016 at 21:06

    A (1960's) 1,8,5,4,11,3,7,2
    B (1970's) 1,9,5,13,6,3,7,2
    C (1980's) 16,8,5,13,6,3,10,2
    D (1990's) 1,8,5,4,11,3,10,2

  8. A)1,8,12,4,11,3,7,2
    B) 16,9,5,13,6,3,7,15
    C) 1,9,5,4,11,3,7,15
    D) 16,9,12,4,6,3,7,15

  9. A)1960s: 1, 8, 12,13, 11,3 , 10, 2
    B)1970s: 1, 9, 12, 13, 6, 14, 10, 15
    C)1980s: 16, 9, 5, 4, 11, 3, 7, 2
    D)1990s: 1, 9, 5, 13, 11, 14, 7, 15

  10. Richard Waygood18 March 2016 at 09:00

    A) 1960s: 1, 8, 12, 13, 6, 3, 7, 2
    B) 1970s: 16, 9, 12, 13, 6, 3, 10, 2
    C) 1980s: 16, 9, 5, 4, 6, 3, 7, 15
    D) 1990s: 1, 9, 5, 13, 11, 14, 7, 15

  11. A: 1,6,5,4,6,3,7,2
    B: 1,8,5,13,11,3,7,2
    C: 1,9,12,13,6,3,7,2
    D: 16,8,5,4,11,14,7,15

  12. A 1960s 1,9,5,no idea of either!, 11,3,7,2
    B 1970s 1 (I quite like Pink Floyd and have no idea who Aerosmith are!), 9, 5, 4, 11, 3 (difficult choice), 10, 15
    C 1980s 16 (who are Pixies?), 8,12,13,??, 3,7,2
    D 1990s 1 (who are Daft Punk? Probably a band that Chris likes!!),8, no idea, 4,11,3,7,15

    1. ok Seema, I can understand The Pixies but not knowing Aerosmith? I would like to make a formal request to the auditor (Minicucci) that Seema's votes only count half.

  13. Lukasz Palubicki18 March 2016 at 10:45

    B) 1,9,12,13,6,3,10,2
    C) 1,8,5,4,11,14,7,15
    D) 1,9,12,4,6,3,10,15

  14. 1960 1,8,5,4,11,3,7,2
    1970 1,9,12,13,6,3,10,2
    1980 16,8,12,13,11,3,7,15
    1990 1,8,12,13,11,3,7,15

  15. A 1,9,5,13,11,3,7,2
    B 1,9,5,4,6,14,7,2
    C 16,9,12,4,6,3,7,2
    D 1,9,5,13,11,14,7,2

  16. Mauricio

  17. A) 1960s: 1,9,5,4,6,3,10,2
    B) 1970s: 16,8,5,4,6,3,7,15
    C) 1980s: 1,9,12,13,6,14,10,2
    D) 1990s+ 1,8,12,4,11,14,10,2

  18. Brendan Cummins23 March 2016 at 21:01

    Round Two
    A) 1960's 1,5,3,7 (Hendrix or Dylan?! Are you kidding me?!!)
    B) 1970's 9,13 (Aussies Rule), 3(Love u Cpt Tom),2
    C) 1980's 9, 13,3,2
    D) 1990's 8,4(Choosing music over personality),11,2
